We believe in preparing an army of youth, who are spiritually grounded, rightly trained and armed with the necessary skills for a life of evangelistic service, to be financially independent, and equipped to be resourceful in the mission field or as entrepreneurs.

Vision and Mission

Three Angels Academy Mission School is the educational arm of Saved to Serve International Ministries. We are a private, non-profit, present truth, G3-12 online school serving our local and international families’ true educational needs.

Vision Statement

To be the preferred school of choice for present truth Seventh-day Adventist families seeking true Christian education for, and spiritual growth in, their child/children.

Mission Statement

To train students to be missionaries for Christ in any self-supporting vocational field, guided by the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.

Educational Framework

Our educational framework, grounded in God’s blueprint education, embodies the whole student. Thus, we aim to serve our students spiritually, mentally, and physically (CT 16.2). Spiritually, we seek to help our students form a strong connection with God. Mentally, we seek through a Christ-centered curriculum to help our students add to their faith, virtue, and to virtue knowledge until they reach the highest wrung of the educational ladder (CT15.1). Physically, we connect active brains with busy hands, as well as with principles that govern our bodies: “For we are fearfully and wonderfully made” (9T 40.3; Psalm 139:14). Thus, we aim to work in co-partnership with Christ and the families who have entrusted their precious ones to our care to fulfill our mission.

What’s New

There are several new and exciting things happening at Three Angels Academy. Our students will learn on a trimester basis. A trimester consists of three months. Each trimester is heavily weighted in Biblical instruction from Grades 3 to 12. Our students will be scheduled for no more than three classes per trimester, as research indicates that students learn more by studying one to two subjects at a time (The Broken Blueprint, p. 52.2).

We now offer Medical Missionary training in Grades 10-12, with a focus on simple treatment applications, hydrotherapy, herbs, disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and much more. In the last trimester of Grade 12, students will take the Entrepreneurship Capstone course where they will learn the tools to be successful founders of their own self-supporting ministries. Through this biblical blueprint, we will be able to train an army of youth to go out and spread the gospel anywhere!

How You Can Serve

Since we are a virtual academy, our model utilizes parents as key partners in facilitating student learning throughout the educational process. As Christians, we are peculiar; and the educational experience our students have at Three Angels Academy is peculiar as well. It is second to none! As a parent, guardian, or supporter, you too can join us in this mission by volunteering your time as a tutor. Click here for further information.

Partner With Us

Partner with us by enrolling your child(ren). Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed. We offer affordable and flexible tuition payment plans, qualified discounts, and sponsorships (based on approval). Feel free to also contact us by email at: enrollment@3angelsacademy.com or by phone at 407-271-0963.

We look forward to serving you and your children’s educational needs!